Monday, 7 May 2012

Review: Magic Slays - Ilona Andrews

Plagued by a war between magic and technology, Atlanta has never been so deadly. Good thing Kate Daniels is on the job.

Kate Daniels may have quit the Order of Merciful Aid, but she’s still knee-deep in paranormal problems. Or she would be if she could get someone to hire her. Starting her own business has been more challenging than she thought it would be—now that the Order is disparaging her good name, and many potential clients are afraid of getting on the bad side of the Beast Lord, who just happens to be Kate’s mate.

So when Atlanta’s premier Master of the Dead calls to ask for help with a vampire on the loose, Kate leaps at the chance of some paying work. Turns out this is not an isolated incident, and Kate needs to get to the bottom of it—fast, or the city and everyone dear to her might pay the ultimate price . . 

Series: Kate Daniels #5, Genre: urban Fantasy, Pages: 308, Published: 2011 by ACE, Source: Own

My thoughts:
And again I face the same problem as before, how to review the 5th book in a series. I have said everything already.

Kate kicks ass, duh, no surprise there because she is cool and yet vulnerable too. I like her origin and I keep wondering about the big show-down when she meets daddy dearest. I like how she even fights with Curran, because they are not a couple who should sit and stare lovingly into each others eyes.

Curran then, well he is the beast lord and I do like his jealous side. He must go a bit weird sometimes and as I said before they fit so well together.

Great evil guys, I hated them so much. I wish I could have gone there myself to kick some ass.

The world is great, this I knew from the beginning. A world turned upside down when magic comes back and eats technology.

A great book 5 and I want more. Which means Andrea's book and then one day the 6th Kate book. I can't wait. What I also like is that there are no cliffies. Yes bad things will come, but that is one day and for now everything is good.


No no no, french manicure? Boobjob? NO


  1. I have the same problem reviewing series books. But anyway, I haven't read this series and it sounds good. I don't know why, everyone seems to like it!

    1. It's good :D Sure book 1 was a bit shaky but the series after that just got better and better..and better :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It is hard to review so much awesomeness, especially when each book is better than the previous one ;))) love Ilona and Gordon's writing and can't wait for Andrea's book which has the best cover in series so far ;

    1. I really like Andrea's cover :D And yes I really want to read that one as I have spent this evening reading all the Curran POVs and I still need more

  4. Oh my. There's something just not right about her chest on that cover.

    1. Maybe they got magically bigger, an evil spell

  5. "Great evil guys, I hated them so much. I wish I could have gone there myself to kick some ass." Love it! lol I am so happy you love this series. It really is made of awesome. :)

    1. True freaking awesomeness :D I can't get enough and every book is better than the last

  6. Couldn't agree with you more! I love this series! :)

  7. sounds like a fun entry in the series! :-)

  8. LOL I agree with your cover thoughts. I have yet to read Ilona's books.

  9. Loved everything about your review and the book summary until I seen the cover. I had a good chuckle though. ^.^

    1. It's just so not Kate, please, she would never do her nails like that. They would break when she kicks ass

  10. This series just gets better and better!

  11. Great review and great series, one I need to catch up on. I'm up to book 3 and haven't started it yet.

    I can't see her nails but boy, can I see her boobs! It's a wonder she can run with those bad boys! How come her picture doesn't show her with 2 black eyes?

    Great review as always, like you said, it's hard to review the 5th but you did a fine job!

    1. You see them clearly on the cover, the nails that is. Like she could kick ass with those. They would break at once.

      And yes those boobs have grown a bit.

      So freaking hard, I have said it all and since I liked it all I want to is gush about it

  12. I think that is also one of the major contributing factor to my being a diehard Ilona Andrews fan is that these author dou do not subscribe to cliffhangers yet manage to create an over-arc-ing plot which spans the entire series... and it works :)

    1. It works so well and yes thank you IA for not leaving us with horrid cliffies cos I do hate them.

      And still the story continues and I can't wait to read more :D

  13. I've heard a lot about this series but am not a fan of the cover either.

  14. I always have trouble reviewing later books in a series when I've already reviewed all the prior books as well. What can you say about the characters that you haven't already said right? I do adore Kate and Curran though, and I can't wait to read this one!

    1. True, all things have been said before so i say some of the same things and then try my best not to go crazy and gush too much about things, lol

      Kate and CUrran, awwww

  15. This sounds like a great book, glad you're enjoying this series. I agree, if the boob job and nails were toned down, I think it would be an ok cover.

    1. I do think somewhere they toned it down a bit but not enough

  16. I think it is tough to review series books, especially when you've already done several. It sounds like this series keeps being enjoyable. I'll have to get back to it one of these days.

    1. And I read several shorties today in this series. Those were truly hard to review.

      but yes do take a look at it :D

  17. I am so impressed that you can keep all of these series seperate!

    1. Hihi, sometimes I do forget things or books

  18. This is one of my favourite UF series - the books just get better as the characters evolve and the relationships grow deeper. Love them! :-)

    1. I know :D I love a series that just keeps on getting better as that is sadly not the case with all books

  19. OK..i am reading everyone's comment and once again I feel like i just stepped off a spaceship because this is another series that is new to me and you are trying to review it without spoilers...nice job by the way..and i am all like book 5!!!Adding it to my wishlist...and i just realized a large portion of them came from your blog..hehehehe

    1. Lol, yes book 5 :) And this one is new to you too? I am so glad you came over today then cos you have been missing out.

      Kate is kick.ass beyond words. The world is so freaking cool, all broken down and messed up. And Curran, her werelion boyfriend is a hottie

  20. HaHa - So, uh, the heroine got a manicure and an enhancement...?

  21. I think that since I still need to read the 1st book, what I do need to know is that the 5th rocks. You let me know that so, I know I need this one when I start reading this series.

    Maybe her back is out? Not really a boob job but a thrusted back and a push up bra? ROFL!

    1. Or maybe she is hiding something in her bra? Like extra weapons cos Kate is always bring weapons ;)

      But yes you must read this series! Book 1 was a bit so and so, even the author said so..I think. But then it gets awesome

  22. awww, i only noticed the awesome lion on the cover!! haha

  23. Ha ha ha! I'll be picking this one up this weekend. ;D So glad to see it's kick ass. :D thank you!

    1. I saw that it's coming up :D Enjoy!!!! Which I am sure you will do

  24. This sounds like a great series. Glad you enjoyed it.

  25. I also am in love with this series, and I agree with your review :) Can't wait for the next book! And yes, that cover is horrible.

    1. I can't wait :D Sure it will take a while and that will make me sad but still..more Kate :D

  26. I am just going to copy/paste this across yours, Aurian, and Amanda's blog!

    Book Bullies! She has officially now been moved up in the TBR---You guys win :)

    (Great Review) LOL :)

    1. LOL!
      YAY, score for us Book Bullies! ;)

  27. This is just one of those series that I don't think I'll ever be able to catch up on, I mean I haven't even read book one yet. :(

    But I've hard that Kate is quite the bad ass! Glad to know you agree.

    1. You will catch up one, don't least it she stops the series soon. Cos it can be quite daunting picking one up at book 12

  28. It is hard ti review books in a series because by the time you get this far in, really what can you say. You don't want to say what happens because then you spoil the other books. You can't win. Lol.

    1. So true, what can i really say. Some can say things but I just do not wanna spoil the entire series in the end

  29. I have to keep this series in mind for future reference. You've seemed to do pretty good with them!

    1. They just keep getting better and better :D I do hope that it keeps up

  30. I so need to start on this series, I think I have the 1st 3 books waiting patiently :)

    1. Start it start it :D
      *continues to chant the same*

  31. Lol at your comments about the cover. I find it most difficult to review books in a series if the reader has to read them in order to understand them. I feel like saying too much is giving something away but otherwise there is little to say without repeating the same things over and over.


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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