Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Stalking the Others Blog Tour: Jess Haines interview

Today the Stalking the Others Blog Tour visits my blog and I am happy to have author Jess Haines over for an interview. Also be sure to check out the contest.


1. Who is Jess Haines?
Oh, you know, just the typical internet-trolling writerly weirdo.
Really—I’m just this gal, you know? In person, I’m usually quiet and fairly shy with strangers. With friends, I change gears – you’ll get a lot of obscure Hitchhiker’s Guide and Holy Grail jokes instead of awkward silence. 

Let's see, what else... I'm a workaholic who loves coffee and chocolate and can't survive without books.  I'm originally from New York, but I'm currently living in Los Angeles because it is suitably weird enough for the time being.  I enjoy karaoke and bad movies, and have a menagerie of animals to keep me company when I'm not writing.  (Seriously, when I'm an old fart, I'll be known as the crazy bird/cat/fish/snake/lizard lady.)

2. What can we expect in your new book, Stalking the Others?
Mayhem. Bloodshed. Shiarra crossing some lines that will change her life forever. You know. The usual. But really, I think the back cover copy sums it up pretty well:
Vampires, werewolves, mages--the Others are very real, and wreaking havoc in Shiarra Waynest's life. But now, she's returning the favor. . .

Once, she was one of the good guys--or as close as a New York P.I. can get. Then Shiarra Waynest was drawn into the world of the Others. Every faction has its own loyalties and agenda. And Shia's recent betrayal by her ex-boyfriend means that she may be on the verge of becoming a rogue werewolf at the next full moon. . .
Of course, with all the threats against her, Shia's not sure she'll live long enough to find out. The enigmatic vampire Royce wants her back in his clutches, as do two powerful werewolf packs, along with the police. Instead of going into hiding, Shia is enlisting the aid of her enchanted hunter's belt and every dirty P.I. trick she knows. If she's going down, she'll take out as many of her enemies as she can--and hope that in the process, she keeps whatever humanity she has left. . .

3. I might have a tiny crush on Alec Royce *coughs*. Where did you get the inspiration for him? And who would play him in a movie? ;)
Me too!  *fans self*  ;)
He’s something of a conglomeration of all of the best aspects of the bad guys from a mix of movies, books, and roleplaying games I’ve played in the past.  Who doesn’t like a dark, sexy, dangerous vampire?  Of course, when they’re cliché, it’s boring.  But when you bring something new to the table—like the heroine being absolutely freaking terrified of him despite all of his “charms”—well, you know some hilarity is going to ensue.

In the entirely theoretical HUNTED BY THE OTHERS movie, I would have to say my first choice would be Robert Downey, Jr. 

I hate this song, but I think it perfectly embodies everything I want to convey about that thought:

4. And that Chaz, grrr, and think I liked him (I will not spoil things for others), but had you planned this twist from the beginning?
Yup.  I’m an evil author that way. *g*
Brace yourself for a few more shockers along the way…

5. Are you writing on something new right now?
Yes, as a matter of fact!  Most of my attention right now is on completing the next book in the H&W series, but I’ve got some other stuff I’m working on, too. 

If you’re familiar with the series, I’ve got a little something I’m looking for a home for right now that features Mouse, the mute vampiress, and Christoph, the dude in the fetish collar who shows up briefly in DECEIVED and again in STALKING THE OTHERS.

6. If you could not write UF, what would you write then?
Either horror or epic fantasy.  My roots are in epic fantasy, though the chances of any of the crap stuff I wrote before HUNTED BY THE OTHERS ever seeing the light of day falls somewhere between slim and none.

7.  Give me 3 reasons why people should read this series? :=)
Ohh, I like this one!
1) The heroine is completely, 100%, homegrown human. No special powers or secret half-angel/half-mermaid/half-unicorn parentage or weird supernatural secrets hiding in the closet for my special lady! Any extra benefits she gets in the process of solving her problems (such as the snark-tastic sentient hunter’s belt) are the result of magic items or temporary boosts given to her by her more, shall we say, “talented” friends.
2) It’s sadly hilarious to watch her deal with her phobia of vampires and gradually overcome her reluctance to deal with anything Other.
3) Alec Royce is a sexy beast.  Need I say more?

Thank you for having me and being part of the STALKING THE OTHERS blog tour, Linda!  

Check out the rest of the Blog Tour

And now to the giveaway. Enter by rafflecopter. Open to US and Canada

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. hahaha thanks for stopping by Jess Haines! You sound a lot like me!

  2. This is a new to me series and author. Her third reason why we should read this series has me intrigued enough to do so! ;o)

    1. Her series is great, I do recommend it :)

  3. Thank you! Jess is always super funny, that's why I..erm..stalk her so much ;)))

  4. I have Hunted By The Others and loved it. I can't wait to continue this series.

    Tracey D

  5. Replies
    1. And soon you will see me review the next one :)

  6. I want to read it because of this comment: The heroine is completely, 100%, homegrown human. No special powers or secret half-angel/half-mermaid/half-unicorn parentage or weird supernatural secrets hiding in the closet for my special lady! Any extra benefits she gets in the process of solving her problems (such as the snark-tastic sentient hunter’s belt) are the result of magic items or temporary boosts given to her by her more, shall we say, “talented” friends. Awesome crossing my fingers that i win this one..LOL

    1. Lol, well that comment is sure a good reason to read it :D I do like the heroine just cos of that. She is real, normal, no half-breed superpowered machine.

      I recommend the series :D

  7. LOL, thanks everybody! Hope you all enjoy the book when it comes out! ;)


  8. Oh I'm crossing my fingers to win this one. I so need these books! I've been having them all on my wishlist and then need to get in my greedy little hands!

    Btw, I love the menagerie of animals. Right now I'm just sticking with dogs. :)

    1. You and your greedy hands ;) My fingers are crossed for them cos you need to read this book

  9. I know I like a dark, sexy, and dangerous vampire! I say "yes" and "please" :) I've heard awesome things about these books, looking forward to reading them!

    1. Oh yes is *melts into a puddle*
      I think that is answer enough

  10. Fun interview ladies. This sounds like a great series. You ate definitely making me curious about that Alec Royce.

  11. Alec Royce!!! He scares me to, but I still can't help loving him. LOL

    Love this interview. Jess is fun. I wish I could take her out for coffee and chocolate. And I love the new cover. It's hot!

    1. He is yummy! The best droolable bookboyfriend

  12. I love Jess's guest posts! I have the first book and I really need to make time to read this stat!

  13. Oh, wonderful interview! I have the first book, maybe two, here on the shelf I do look forward to getting into the books. :D

  14. hahaha great interview, mayhem and bloodshed ... my type of book!!

  15. Holy Grail jokes? - Sounds like you and I could hang out!

  16. Hehe! Thank you all again! Glad you guys took the time to stop by and comment.

    @Missie -- I'm always down for coffee and chocolate. If you're ever in New York, Las Vegas, Philly, or Boston, check out a Max Brenner's chocolate bar: That place is divine!


  17. I want the book because to be honest i just saw the trailer for the first time and it seamed very interesting book.

  18. Oh great interview!I really love the series, always can't wait to read more.

  19. June is my Jess Haines month! I will be reading her series from beginning to this one :) I love her!

    A.R.---scares the bejeebus out of me but I really love him. I am totally weird like that :)

  20. Great interview. This book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it.

  21. I hate it that I can't enter. Simply hate it.

    1. I am sorry Ana *cries* You know I could not enter too if I wanted

  22. Thanks for the giveaway! I've been hearing great things about this series!

  23. @Felicia -- Got me all excited-like now! ;)

    @Anachronist -- Sorry about that. :( Unfortunately, the cost to ship copies of the books to people overseas is pretty prohibitive. I will have a giveaway on the tour for my international friends when I get to the Notes of Life stop on the blog tour.


  24. Agg! I need to read this series. I say that every time I see it. Great post!

  25. I think I might have entered this giveaway to which I am not qualified because am non-US/Can, so please delete my entries :D

    Cherry Mischievous

  26. Great interview, thank you. I am looking forward to reading the new book.


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

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I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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