Thursday, 24 May 2012

Review: Late Eclipses - Seanan McGuire

October "Toby" Daye is half-human, half-fae-the only changeling who's earned knighthood. But when someone begins targeting her nearest and dearest, it becomes clear that Toby is being set up to take the fall for everything that's happening.

My thoughts:
First of all I just have to get this off my chest; Raysel! You fucking bitch!!! *screams* Honestly it was painful to read the book this time cos I just wanted to go over and slap Raysel and then leave her to rot. I always did hate that bitch but here it got even worse. At the moment she is one of my most hated characters of all time.

*breathes in and out* I am trying to calm down but this book took it out of me. At one time I almost cried too, I seriously hate a few people in this series. They are not evil, they are despicable. Poor poor Toby. *screams a bit more*

I started this book, I smiled at a point, and then I came to that point where I no longer could put it down. Where I wanted to scream and rage against injustice. Where it just got so freaking good that I could almost not hold on. You know when it comes to the point where it is just too good, too exciting, and it feels like you can't breathe.

I think I am too worked up to write a review...a few thoughts then. I still love Tybalt, hello cat, duh, I love those. Sure Connor is nice, but..but...May her fetch is just too fun. Exciting things are going on as Toby tries to figure out who is going after her friends. Revelations are made about her past, still one piece is missing and I want to know. Perhaps in the next book.

*swears over Raysel, the evil bitch again* then again, it's not her fault that she is fucked up. See, I did finally calm down.

Yes do read this series! Recommended, and I am glad I have book 5, but I will wait a while since book 6 is coming first this fall.

The dress and the jacket, yup, just like she was. even a pointy ear.

Series: October Daye #4
Genre: Urban fantasy
Pages: 372
Published: 2011 by DAW
Source: my own


  1. Oops, should not have read this review taking a sip of my drink!

  2. WOW, what did this Raysel person do?! Sounds very, very bad!

    1. She is arghhhhhh *tries to strangle RayseL*

  3. The fact that a book could make you rage and scream is the highest recommendation, at least in my case. Yes, madam, I will read this series too.

    1. True true :) And this one made me mad!! And almost made me cry too :/

  4. Yea, I hate Raysel too. She's just evil. I love this series and I'm anxious for the next book.

    1. Hate hate hate hate hate hate her. That evil bitch

  5. Now I really wanna know what this Raysel do to cause that strong emotion! Now I'm just intrigued.

  6. I love this series and i love her News Flash Trilogy written under Mira Grant :)

    1. I really should read that series too :D

  7. It's absolutely amazing series! I love Seanan, and I haven't yet read book #5, but apparently it's even better than this one... *gulp* Totally with you on the issue of the evil bitch!

    1. Evil evil bitch. Honestly I wanted to run over and slap her. Dunno how Toby managed not to.

      I have heard that about book 5 too

  8. Sounds like an intense experience! :)

  9. ROFL! I've already wanted this whole series, but I swear I'm moving it up the wishlist because of your rant!! LOVE it! :D

    1. I sure had a rant ;)
      But yay, move it up, move it up!

  10. oh my! like this Raysel character I see? bahahahahaha.

    1. *stops herself from going on another rant* ;)

  11. LMFAO loved your review and the rant. I haven't even heard of the series and now I want it :)

    1. Haven't heard! *shock* Well now you have :D

  12. LMAO!! Okay, now I have to read this series just to see why you feel so strongly about this character! :D Great review!

    1. Lol. That is a way to start a series too ;)

  13. lol you crack me up Blod! I've been away from my blog for a week, and the first review I read has the "F" word in the first it!
    Sounds like a great series, especially if its got you so worked up. That's some good storytelling.

    1. Lol. I truly had to use it, I was so dang angry at that women. You never know what you will get with this blog ;)

      And worked up, oh yeah

  14. roftl..after that reaction I have to read this series now!!

  15. I don't think I've ever read a more heated or entertaining review. This Raysel must be the epitome of evil!!!

    1. Oh she sure was. A effing little bitch.
      But I am glad you liked the review

  16. So much passion!! I love it! I will be picking this series up soon. :-)

    1. Yay :D I do hope you will enjoy it too

  17. lol I love it! You are always so passionate about your reading. Great review!

  18. I think I will wait for book 6 to come out first before picking up this series because... reading from your review, this book could be quite emotional ;)

    1. That it was and I will wait too and read book 5 just before

  19. I have a few books front he series - I still need number one but I'm kind of afraid to start it. I know it will be good but emotionally I'm not sure if I'm ready lol

    1. You do need nr 1 since it's UF, one gets too lost otherwise.

      And start it :D

  20. Will this make me scream like that too!! Loved it!

  21. I love this series and seriously though I wish you would have told us how you really feel about this book LOL Thanks for sharing today and giving me a guilty giggle :)

    1. LOL! Yes I know, I did not say enough ;)
      A giggle a day is the best


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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