Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Review: The Governess Affair - Courtney Milan

She will not give up…
Three months ago, governess Serena Barton was let go from her position. Unable to find new work, she’s demanding compensation from the man who got her sacked: a petty, selfish, swinish duke. But it’s not the duke she fears. It’s his merciless man of business—the man known as the Wolf of Clermont. The formidable former pugilist has a black reputation for handling all the duke’s dirty business, and when the duke turns her case over to him, she doesn’t stand a chance. But she can’t stop trying—not with her entire future at stake.

He cannot give in…
Hugo Marshall is a man of ruthless ambition—a characteristic that has served him well, elevating the coal miner’s son to the right hand man of a duke. When his employer orders him to get rid of the pestering governess by fair means or foul, it’s just another day at the office. Unfortunately, fair means don’t work on Serena, and as he comes to know her, he discovers that he can’t bear to use foul ones. But everything he has worked for depends upon seeing her gone. He’ll have to choose between the life that he needs, and the woman he is coming to love…

Series: Brothers Sinister #0,5, Pages: 101, Published: April 2012, Genre: Historical romance, Source. Gift from Anachronist

My thoughts:
I kept looking at Goodreads where everyone wrote such long posts..is it just me that can't write anything long about a novella? Honestly I find it so hard, it's like my mind wants to make it shorter just cos it is a short story.

Anyway, this story takes place 20 years before the next book that will start a new series. After reading the ending I did get interested in seeing how it all turns out. Especially for one character.

But this book then. Hugh has such a bad reputation and for a reason, but he still is so kind and sweet, well after a while, and only to Serena. What was there not to like. She made him soften up. And Serena is so brave for not backing down, she wants that asshole Duke to pay. She had quite the backbone.

Since this is a short story it's all about her not giving up and him trying to break her. But the second half is different, it is a romance after all so it will all end happily.

A nice short story.


  1. Yeah, sometimes when a book is short, there's not a lot to say about it, even if you liked it. (Her dress is stunning!!)

    1. I really should have said something about the cover ;) But yes I love the dress.

      And yes for me novellas are so hard

  2. Usually novellas are prequels or sequels so there's not a lot to say (imo) except if I liked it or didn't. That said, Courtney Milan could write the small print on a prescription ad and I'd read it :)

    1. Lol, I can understand that feeling. I do love some authors.

      But yes not that much to say in the end

  3. It's hard to say a lot about a novella, especially if you don't want to give away anything. Glad you enjoyed it.

    1. So hard, sure I could talk about things but yes too short, which means I will just give everything away

  4. But what did you think of the cover?! :)

    1. Dang! I forgot! Pretty dress :D And a head!

    2. That's what I thought you meant to say. :D

  5. i really really like her books. i'm not sure i would like the hero, he sounds mean!! but she is a great author, so i'm sure she makes him loveable!

    1. He is doing it for a reason, and it's not like he has all the facts. but yes he is mean, but never too mean and he makes it better

  6. There is nothing wrong with a nice short story!

    1. I have read a lot these last 2 days :) And I have liked them

  7. I can't remember when I've read novella the last time! Never read any of her books but they sound good.

    1. I have read..like 5 in the last 2 days ;)

  8. I loved this novella! It was such a nice taste of what's to come, and I pretty much adore all things Courtney Milan so I can't wait for book 1!

    1. And I want to read book 3, cos I want to see how that kid fairs. Oh and I so want blurbs for book 2 and 3 too

  9. Never understood that either...even with "normal" sized books...I have such an issue making extremely long reviews about it.

    1. I kind of just wanted cos everyone else did it ;) But hey, if you got nothing to say then you got nothing to say

  10. It always seems to me that the short and sweet actually have the most to say. The rest is usually only filler. :)

    I need to read this one. I like the sound of the first half of the book.

    1. True, they do fill books out with things that not always have to be there. While here everything was needed

  11. I know I am deluded but I managed to write a very long review of that particular novella...yes, I am a CM enthusiast!

    1. And I do fear that you just liked it much more than I did. yes I liked it, but it was not like it made me wanna go out and shout that

    2. It just proves my point. Deluded. ;) Ok, I admit, it wasn't bad for a novella but Ms. Milan can write better stories.

  12. Yeah, I can't write lengthy reviews for novella either, and most times, I don't write anything at all.

    Courtney Milan is an author I've been meaning to check out. And of course she wants the asshole to pay. LOL

    1. Yesterday i wrote like 2 sentences about one ;) But to my defense it was a 17 page story

      I really liked her story unlocked. That one you must read

  13. I loved this novella, I can't wait to read first book on this series.

  14. I've heard good things about this author.
    I enjoy a good novella too.

  15. I try to keep novella reviews short too. I don't want to give anything away, they are shorter reads. Sounds lovely. :) Thank you!

    1. Good that I am not alone then :) Cos yes I do think they should be shorter

  16. Yeah- you gotta watch it when you're review's longer than the actual thing you're reviewing!

    1. So true ;) Can't have that now can we, cos in the end I like that my reviews are not that long

  17. I have the same problem when writing reviews for novellas/short stories. The clor of her dress really pops on the cover and the story sounds great too.

    1. The yellow sure pops, it draws you in at once :)

      But I am glad that I am not alone

  18. Hmm is this the same book Anachronist loved so much? I like her review better ;) and will certainly read those books soon.

    1. Thanks Aurian, yes it is the same book.

    2. Oh that is cos Ana liked it better ;) I am still shocked you know, I am supposed to like HEAs so therefore HR should be perfect for me but here Ana goes and likes everything by Milan more than I do

  19. A 101 pages id doable for me but the author really needs to make an impact for me to write a long review about it :) I really need to catch up on the books from this author!!

    1. I have read 1 book and 2 novellas ;) I got a lot of catching up to do also.

      Ok so maybe if I had adored it too pieces it would have been longer..or not

  20. I don't read a lot of short stories but I could see how it would be hard to write a review when the plot isn't too involved. Glad you enjoyed this one!

    1. They are just so hard to write, but at least I got something down :)

  21. I have yet to really get into the novellas! But I can see why you want to make your reviews short!

    1. Lately I have red a few, sometimes the work and sometimes not. But that's the case with books too ;)

  22. Some books are just really difficult to review due to their length or because of the story itself. you enjoyed it and that's what counts :)

    1. In the end I have troubles with every kind. The awesome books, the bad books, the short ones :) Sometimes there is just too little or too much to say

  23. I haven't read anything by this author yet but I just checked out one of her novels from the library. I have high hopes for it!

    1. Yay. I do hope you will like whichever book you checked out

  24. Sounds good, and the rest of the series too. Maybe I'll read it to know the author's writing.

    1. Though then I would tell you to read Unlocked cos I loved that novella :)

  25. Sounds like something I would like to read :)

  26. Oh I want to read books like this. I really do, but I'm always left unsatisfied. I can't do novellas. Not really.

    1. I know the feeling, they lave me wanting more, but for some reason milan's novellas leave me happy


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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