Friday, 4 May 2012

Review: Kiss of the Goblin Prince - Shona Husk

Trapped for centuries in the bleak Shadowlands, Dai clings to his humanity with a thirst for knowledge. But now he's free of the goblin curse, and some would say he knows too much—he can make nature bend to his will, influence the minds of others, and command magic. Yet love eludes him. Then he meets Amanda, a single mother with a sick daughter whom he feels compelled to protect. But could she possibly place her trust in the kiss of a goblin prince?

Series: Shadowlands #2, Pages: 352, Genre: Paranormal romance, Published: May 1st 2012 by Sourcebooks Casablanca, Source: For review

My thoughts:
I liked book 1 because it was a bit different, a goblin hero..and they ain't pretty, I'll tell you that. But in this book the curse is broken and we have a new hero, Dai. He may be human again but life is not easy.

Oh Dai, I wanted his story already in book 1 and here I got it. He is all things I want my hero to be, that's right, tortured and hurting. He feels that he can't let go of his horrid past and all the things done to him. He is suffering and he is just the kind of man you want to hug and tell that everything will be ok. Because he is also loyal, kind and good with kids. He is not that alpha when I think about it, he always shadowed his brother. He is the magician, the scholar, the beta, and I really liked that.

The story is a lot about he trying to come to terms with things, being human, the magic he can now use, and falling for a woman, Amanda.The lovestory is not rushed at all, another thing I liked as you do not need to jump in bed at once. Like I said, he has suffered and Amanda is a widow. They dance around each other for a while and think about if they want to pursue this. Yes, things should take time.

We also meet the hero of book 3 briefly in this book and I do want his story too, especially if the book is as good as this one was. At times I could not put it down because I felt for Dai and there are things going on too, that I cannot mention. All making it exciting at times.

Who knew a former Goblin could be a hottie?! I liked the book and the series should keep on getting better and better.

I am not a fan of headless covers, but the darkness before him and the tattoo just makes it hot


  1. I liked the first book as well, the whole Goblin thing was intriguing. I wasn’t sure if this would be as good, but now I’m looking forward to reading it! Great review.

    1. I liked it more :D I do hope you will too. Dai was just so, wounded and I just love that

  2. Hmm, don't think this one is for me. But, to be fair, I just don't really like the paranormal books :-)

    1. Lol, if that is not your genre then no, I do not think it's the book for you ;)

  3. hehe I quite like that cover! Then again I doubt you are shocked by that!!!

    I think I could imagine a hot goblin :)

    1. *gasps in shock* You like it? I would never have guessed ;)
      Nah, they are grey and much hotter this way

  4. Sounds good. I have a weakness for heroes with a troublesome past too! :)

    1. I could count all the ones I love, lol, but I will not. Even if I knew they would be too much trouble in RL

  5. Sounds nice...and where exactly is your flash this Friday, milady? Because mine is here.

    1. Ahem *hides under a rock* I will pretend I did not even read this and tomorrow I will write a flash, read yours and say I thought it was Friday ;)

  6. I like the slow romances,but I'm not convinced that I could like a goblin though! :)

    1. He used to be one, but here he no longer is. And just think of them as the ugly elves in LOTR

  7. Hot ex-goblin? I could take one :D This sounds good!

    1. You and me both. Not to mention he has magic, I could use someone who transported books to me ;)

  8. Didn't I see the wingman cover model on an Anne Marsh book as well?? hhhhhmmm, ex-goblin doesn't set my addiction on fire but it sure is an unusual hero!!!

    1. He does look familiar and I did think of that book too, so I guess MR wingman is searching for ladies all over the world

  9. Your blog is heck on my The whole goblin turned yummy hottie has me all curious..and wanting to go shopping...Great review!

    1. Lol, go and have a look at book 1, and there was a freebie prequel or sequel to book 1 out too..if still

  10. Yummah, I think I may just read this for Dai. ^.^ Great review! Book 1 is still on my list to read.

    1. Dai was sure nice :D Sure I liked his alpha brother, but Dai, well he was just different

  11. Can this book be read as a stand alone? Or would a reader get lost if haven't read book 1 first?

    1. I think it could work like this. The story of how they ended up there is sort of told and it's more about Dai's inner struggle so I say yes

  12. Oh I like the sound of this one. Hm... read in order, eh? I may have to try it with this series. ;)

    1. Oh yes read in order, I am so proud of myself ;)

  13. Sounds like this was an all-around winner for you! :)

    1. It was fun :) And I so liked the slow love, I do think I need it cos even if I like a book that is the thing that always annoys me. When they move too fast

  14. Well, I had no idea that a goblin could be a hottie at all. That's one of the reasons why I passed on this book altogether because I thought it sounded cheesy. Seems like I was wrong!

    1. Well, when they were, maybe not so much ;) But when they got their humanside back, oh yes

  15. After reading a couple of reviews I am sorry I passed on this one.

  16. Hmm this sounds good, I have been eying this series since the first book. Question: why does he have wings on his back?

    1. His whole body is covered with different tattoos since he has studies magic. He wants it all on him

  17. I've heard really good things about this series and after this review I think I'll add first book to my TBR.

  18. Sounds good, I like those tortured heroes.

  19. A goblin hero? That's certainly different. There is just something about tortured and hurting heroes that is so appealing, eh?

    1. There sure is. Most be the nurturer in me, I just want to save them

  20. A goblin hottie?? lol I can't picture it but he sounds amazing.

  21. You have me very curious about this. Goblin and Hottie. And the story sounds good too. Thank you!

    1. Ex-goblin, which is lucky for us cos else he would be all gold, gold, GOLD


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