Friday, 27 July 2012

Review: Cinderella and the Lady - KT Grant

Cinderella and the Lady
The sudden death of Ellie’s father leaves her with an uncertain future. Her stepmother, Geraldine and step-sister Mina treat her like a servant. The seductive Countess Tremaine wants to save Ellie from her life of drudgery, but all for a price-her innocence. Ellie feels all hope is lost until she meets a Lady who makes all her wishes come true.

Lady Kristina, the Duke of Perrault’s daughter has returned home after five years abroad. She’s expected to marry, but her attraction to women stops her from carrying out her parents’ wishes. One night she meets a shy servant girl and becomes obsessed. She’ll do whatever she can to gain the trust of this mysterious woman and claim her for her own.

With the countess pressuring Ellie into accepting her unscrupulous offer, and her step mother growing more unstable, she turns to Kristina for support. But then her whole world comes crashing down when she learns the truth behind Kristina’s identity and the lies Geraldine has kept from her.

As Ellie falls victim to those dark forces set on ruining her, Kristina fights to save Ellie’s heart before she loses her forever.

My thoughts:
Look at me, I tried something new! *applauds* Well, in the end it was not "new", whether it's a man and a woman or two women, they are still all just people falling in love :) (still "new" for me ;) 

This was a f/f Cinderella story. Ellie, poor thing, honestly evil stepmums, you all need a kick in the bum. But at least she has two friends, a cat and a mouse. Yup, that is how sad her life is. In comes her prince Charming, make that Lady Kristina who has been staying in Finland for a while (which brings me to the reason why I had to read this book.) And the Cinderella theme is always there, just different twists and it works so well.

I should also mention that there is also a side storyline, an m/m one, just saying. I will not spill the beans, you will see.

The bad guy is not always the one you think either. And here we got one creepy one, again, read and find out. Kind of charming creepy that you just want to back way from at once.

A nice change to a familiar story. Cinderella always finds her happy ending.

Genre: f/f, romance
Pages: 185 (ebook)
Published: July 24th 2012 by Ravenous Romance
Source: Gift as I helped with something in it :=D


  1. Yay for trying something new! Now, you need to read a cozy mystery. *g*

    1. Oh yes, the cozy mysteries, I never get my ass out of the chair and actually buys one. But one day! I guess I am afraid I will get addicted ;)

  2. Good for you on trying something new. You are brave!
    This sounds like a different take on Cindrella. At least she still finds her happy ending.

  3. Good for you for branching out.
    Glad that you still enjoyed the love story.
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    1. Now if I only dare to read a thriller or mystery too, lol

  4. YaY you!

    Sounds like an interesting story. I do like retellings! I've been wanting to try a book by her.

    1. Yay me :)
      I do love re-tellings too, they are so fun when they are different

  5. *claps hands* I'm proud of you for trying an f/f! It's a small step to m/m. :)

    1. Thank you :)
      I did read that one short m/m story ;) But yes I will read more

  6. I enjoy fairy-tale retellings and loved Cinder. I am reading Red right now..its an urban fantasy with little red riding a kick-ass agent..LOL Adding this one to my insanely long wish list! Awesome review and glad you tried something new!

    1. Cool, Red as a kick-ass agent, yup I saw what you had written and I liked the sound of it.

  7. Sounds like a fun twist on a classic!

  8. You're so brave, B. lol I've been wanting to branch out and read an m/m or maybe even an f/f. This sounds like a cute one, so I might I have to check this out someday

    1. I actually meant to read an m/m during my ebook reading weeks, but it instead it became a f/f :)

  9. Does the cover fit?! What the heck is going on in the upper left corner?

    Also, TGIF.

  10. ****A round of applause****! Well this one is certainly a very different take on a familiar story. Glad you enjoyed it!

    1. Lol, only I need applauds, but hey I lost my f/f virginity, I celebrated when i read my first m/m too ;)

  11. I think that before I can branch out more I have a lot of reading to do. I need to cut down on my tbr pile a bit

  12. That was unexpected but I like retellings. You celebrated? What did you do EXACTLY? lol!

    1. Lol, sadly I lied, I did not celebrate, I just told bf I read an f/f story and wiggled my eyebrows

  13. I have never read a f/f book, I may need to change that.

  14. It's always nice to read something different. I don't know if it's for me, maybe a litlle too romance for me.

    1. Well it is a romance after all..a smexy romance

  15. YAY you for trying something a bit different, I like fairy tale re-tellings but don't think this one's for me ;)

    1. It sure was something else, but I tried it :=)

  16. Always good to try new things....I'll let you read these for me! :D

  17. I don't know, reading from your review, this book sounds like it's just a so so...


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