Tuesday 17 July 2012

Review: When Harry met Molly - Kieran Kramer

When Harry met Molly
Dashing Lord Harry Traemore is perfectly content to live out his days in the pursuit of pleasure. But when he’s named by the Prince Regent as one of society’s “Impossible Bachelors,” Harry is drafted into a ribald romantic wager. The rules of engagement are scandalously simple: The bachelor whose mistress wins the title of “Most Delectable Companion” gets to remain unmarried. Harry is utterly unconcerned about his status...until his latest lightskirt abandons him.

Enter Lady Molly Fairbanks. Harry’s childhood friend— actually, “foe” is more like it—is the most unlikely companion of all. She’s attractive but hot-headed, and in no mood for games. Besides, what could the self-indulgent Harry possibly know about what makes a woman delectable? It’s time for Molly to teach him a lesson once and for all...but will it lead to “happily ever after”?

My thoughts:
Cute is the word, honestly what else can I say than the word cute. Ok disbelief, but this is HR and HR plots does not need to stay true to the era..you will see.

So Molly and Harry hates each other. Yes I do like that premise, they bicker, they are angry but they need each other. Here is the whole disbelief thing. Molly who is a lady and have spent most of her time at a school and with her elderly aunt is to play his mistress. Sure she stumbles and stuff like that, but she is a lady after all, the whole thing is just one big RUIN ME please event to happen. Her just being there is enough. Anyway so that is the story. A mistress of mistresses is to be chosen. Sweet virginal Molly against 4 mistress with weapons like charm, boobs and a spicy sexlife. 

Oh and I should also mention how Harry who always hated Molly now suddenly wants to get into her pants. Shame on you Harry, she is your sister in law. Ruin ruin ruin. Kind of a sad romance in a way, I know that there is always an obstacle but this obstacle is removed like on the last page first. There is a sword hanging over them the whole time.

But it was CUTE! I was not complaining, I just had to say those things. I am used to HR being like this, we all know all those ruined girls gets their men and everyone lives happily ever after. 

Cute, there, I said it again and I will read more by Kramer and hope it will be just as cute.

Cover Thoughts:
Look at that, it's cute too.

Series: Impossible Bachelors #1
Genre: Historical romance
Pages: 411
Published: 2010 by St: Martin's press
Source: my own


  1. You know I kind of buy it in Historicals probably because you are right--the ruined girl gets the guy often :) I love cute too! Those make me smile!

    1. Whih is strange cos always when they talk about another ruined girl in the book then that poor thing sure did not get her man ;)

  2. Yes, cute! :) I love the title.

  3. Great review B, I have this book, and more by this author, on my TBR. Looking forward to reading it.

    1. I have the 2nd book too :) That one sounds so fun too!

  4. Yay for a cute historical romance, I love those! And I'm a big fan of antagonistic relationships, so the fact that they kind of hate one another initially is perfect for me:)

    1. Dunno why but it sure makes it fun :D Dislike turned to love. Just perfect for me

  5. Love cute! I'll keep an eye out for it.

  6. Sometimes cute is just what you need!

  7. Sounds like an odd set-up but I'm glad it was cute.

    1. odd it was, but it worked out in the end for them

  8. Dashing Lord Harry Traemore...that sounds sooo good! :)

  9. True. I guess that is why I like these. HEAs despite what real life is like. :)

    1. Awww those HEAs, I do love them, all cuddly and sweet

  10. No wives, they are all single and ready to mingle :)

  11. Next time I'd want to read a "cute" book I'll read this one.

  12. cute! Gotta love HEAs sometimes they are so unrealistic.

  13. Replies
    1. *waves back with a smile* All good here, no weak little missy..though I am ill..eh

  14. Okay, when I first saw the title I read "When Harry Meet Sally." From the movie. *sigh* My brain is on it's own track tonight I guess. lol. Glad you liked it, even if it is...cute. ;) Thank you!

    1. It looks the same, almost, so your brain had to fall for it :)

  15. I don't do cute. No way. The cover itself makes me want to puke. Sorry, now I must go to the bathroom, wash my face. CUTE *shudders*

    1. Run AWAY! Hurry Ana or the cute will catch you!!! Oh no!! It's closing in. Run Ana RUN

  16. cute cute cute lol
    as a dude i will not read it in public but sounds fun

    1. Lol, yes not the best book to read in public if you are a guy

  17. hmm this one might be a little too romance for me lol. but well if it's cute, it's cute.

  18. It does sound cute! I won copies of a couple of her books in contest, but never received them :( Wahhh...

  19. Well it sounds too cute for me right now hehe But I'll definitely keep it in mind :P

    1. Too cute, nooo, is there such a thing? :)

  20. Uh oh! Getting involved with the sister in law? Not good. But the bickering and the banter sounds fun.

  21. As long as it's not syrupy cute then I'm good!

    1. Not that cute, just cute in a happy way

  22. This is a great review. I love that you accept the fact that not every book is meant to be a literary masterpiece with historical accuracy throughout. Sometimes a book can just be a wonderful story and escape. Thank you for your thoughts.

    1. So true :) I never judge HR too hard cos then i would go insane. The little things should not matter, it's escapism I want after all. I judge it harder if I read historical fiction

  23. Sounds like a nice summer read! :)



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