Thursday, 23 October 2014

Steelheart - Brandon Sanderson

How far would you go for revenge if someone killed your father? If someone destroyed your city? If everything you ever loved was taken from you?

David Charleston will go to any lengths to stop Steelheart. But to exact revenge in Steelheart’s world, David will need the Reckoners—a shadowy group of rebels bent on maintaining justice.  And it turns out that the Reckoners might just need David too.

My thoughts:
Ok, so this was a bit different than the other Sanderson books I have read. It was futuristic, sci-fi, dystopic superheroic. It would be a good superhero book, oh and a good graphic novel too.

Something happened and people around the world got superhero powers. Which seems to have turned them all into sociopath psychopaths. Destroying cities, killing people and taking over and making themselves kings.

David lives underground, as everyone who is not important has to live there. He is a nerd, and most of all he wants revenge on the ruler of the city. I liked him, but then I do like nerds.

It was kind of non-stop action all the time. Hunting down bad guys, running from bad guys, blowing things up, hiding from bad guys and last, one epic fight. There are surprises, revelations and well, I enjoyed it. Yes it was different, yes I do prefer his fantasy books, but it was cool.


Paperback, 384 pages
Published September 23rd 2014 by Ember (first published January 1st 2013)
Reckoners #1


  1. Oooooh sounds good! I usually stay away from dystopias, but I may give this a go.

    1. It was not dystopia dystopia. Just a future where superheroes took power and are more bad guys

  2. I enjoyed this one..I am a fan of superheroes!

  3. SO David The Nerd is the unexpected hero? Shit I like him already.

    You gots to read The Younger Gods by Michael R. Underwood then if you liked this.

    1. Ohh I have to check it *goes to goodreads*

      And yes, David the nerd is a hero

  4. It was fun but I didn't like this one as much as I expected. Sanderson and I just don't get along much. The powers were cool, though, huh. And I agree, a comic would be perfect!

    1. Oh I love him, love love him. But I do prefer his fantasy books over his YA books

  5. Glad you enjoyed a little something different from him

  6. Whew that is a mouthful on the classification! lol

    1. Yup, I really do not know how to classify this except for YA

  7. I've been meaning to read one of Sanderson's epic fantasys, I didn't know he wrote a superhero series too! I kind of expected lots of action from a super powers book, so that doesn't bother me. I hope this nerd gets powers! :)

    1. Who knows. or maybe no more new powers (it does make everyone an asshole).

      His epic fantasies are awesome though, awesome

  8. I never read this author, but this sounds like it could be a good read.

  9. I loved this book! I think overall I prefer his fantasy as well, but I thought his take on superheroes (or rather, supervillains) was pretty awesome.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I like to think of them as superheroes that went bad, thus making them villains, lol. I guess I just have hope for some real superhero

  10. I want to pick up this YA series by Brandon. Glad to see you enjoyed it. :)

  11. I dunno..... I love Sanderson but so, so wary of YA... Maybe I should have more faith in him.

  12. It sounds like this author is always a hit, I need to read more books by him.

  13. Nice review B, glad you enjoyed it. Not sure if I will pick it up.

  14. I keep thinking that maybe I would enjoy this more than his EPIC EPIC series of door stops.

    1. Ah but the epic doorstops are so so so so good

  15. I actually really like this one, cannot wait for next :D

  16. I think this one sounds right up my alley! I go through weird spurts ... sometimes all I read are dystopians, sometimes all I want to read about are zombies, sometimes just freakin' horror, lol, you get the picture!
    Right now, I'm starting to get on a another dystopia kick.
    Great review, as always!

    1. LOL!. I hear you. Though I just mix all the time. I get tired of one thing very quickly. So mixing is good for me.

      But oh to go on a dystopia spree, fun!

  17. I actually like that cover! And I want to read the book, too. Glad you enjoyed it!

  18. DEFINITELY ought to read!! :O

  19. I really need to try a Sanderson book it sounds like!

  20. I listened to this in audio and really enjoyed it. The narrator does a great job. I'm waiting for next book... :(

  21. I have this one on my Kindle. Need to make time to read it! Love Sanderson.

  22. Yay! Glad you enjoyed this one too! I can't wait for Firelight to come out.

  23. I think I need to read it although I stopped reading much dystipia in this last year. Must be getting fed up with it. I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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