Monday 12 January 2015

No Life but This - Anna Sheehan

Rose spent most of her life asleep. Otto spent his as an object.

Rose Fitzroy woke from her long sleep to a changed world and new life. Her friend Otto watched her from afar, longing for what he felt he couldn't have. But just when things seem to be going right, his own biology backfires, sending him into a deathly spiral that neither of them can stop. His only hope lies on the distant ice moon of Europa, where an experimental treatment might bring him back from the brink.

But Europa is in a state of revolution, and Otto's brother Quin is tangled up in it. With Otto going slowly insane, and Rose haunted by ghosts of her old life, more than one world may soon be destroyed around them.

In the superb stand-alone novel A LONG, LONG SLEEP we saw her survive assassination attempts and heartbreak alike. Now, in the stand-alone sequel, Rose must take control of her future for the sake of her friends - and find a way to protect them without unwittingly caging them in love..." 

My thoughts:
It says that it can be read as a stand alone novel, and so I read it like that. And it did work perfectly like that. I never felt lost.

Of course that did not mean that I did not want to read book 1. To find out more about Rose and how she woke up from stasis. Mostly that to be honest, and about her parents. Because freaky stuff going there.

But this book then. Set in the future, earth has colonies (well a corporation has), space travel is possible (but very slow). And the corporation mixed alien dna and human and we have Otto (and his many many siblings.)

This book is about Otto, who has human rights, but is not human. He has powers and he is dying. I liked him most of the time. But not when he used his sickness to get attention from a certain person. But then he was a teen.

Rose was strange, she should have been an old woman but had been in stasis most of her life. Now she is to inherit an empire, and hopefully be a good leader.

It shows daily life for these kids. And it shows how they go to find a cure and the civil unrest on the moon Europa. I liked that part. It shows however far you go there are still people trying to push others down. People never learn. Oh and the horrible experiments! Sickening. 


paperback, 320 pages
Published December 18th 2014 by Gollancz
UniCorp #2
YA /Sci-fi
For review


  1. The cover is creepy! But I kinda like it.
    This sounds really different. I'm glad you liked it.

  2. Are you going to read the first book? It sounds like there is a lot of backstory there.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Maybe one day, it feels so weird now going back when I know everything that happens

  3. Interesting premise. I wish I enjoy these type of books though...

  4. Any book that gives you the urge to backtrack in the series is a winner IMO. The experiments give me the heebie jeebies though.

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads

  5. This looks like a great book!
    But not my cup of tea, I am not sure whether I should read it or not
    Your reader
    Soma R.

    1. It's not too sci-fi if that is what you worry about

  6. That cover is more than a little creepy to me.

  7. Oh I'm glad you could read this one as a standalone. And despite the creepiness you enjoyed it. Might have to think on this one.

  8. Definitely a creepy cover.

  9. The race for the cure and the day to day for the kids sounds interesting

  10. Hmm, interesting. I just saw this one today. Sounds neat. :)

  11. Very beautiful cover and cool looking synopsis. I can't believe I've never heard of this book.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  12. it's nice to see you weren't lost.

  13. It's showed, one of the experiments once, it's not like we read about them

  14. I am glad I am not alone thinking so

  15. First time I hear about this book. I'm not sure, it sounds interesting, but there is something there that doesn't convince me.

    1. I can't help you there, sometimes you just do not feel a book

  16. No, you are really not tempting me with this.

  17. This one sounds good. I like when a sequel can be read alone and it says something that you want to read the first one.

  18. I kinda like the cover but I have to read in order, it's my thing lol

  19. I loved book #1 and hope to read this one soon. Glad you enjoyed it!



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