Thursday 22 January 2015

The Summer Queen - Elizabeth Chadwick

Based on up-to-date research, Elizabeth Chadwick brings Eleanor of Aquitaine's magnificent story to life, as never before, unveiling the real Eleanor.

My thoughts:
I usually like her books more. Ok that does not mean I did not like this book. No, I enjoyed it. It was well-written, it's just, I usually like them more you know.

I do have a theory. See, most of her books that I have enjoyed have been about people totally unknown to me, or a little know. But Alienor, yeah, I know everything. Yes I know she married Louis, yes I know it took ages to get a kid. Yes I know she went to Jerusalem, yes I know she tried to get an annulment, yes I know she did get it and married Henry. Huh, my problem was that I knew too much?

But then, why have I read a million books about the war of the roses?`*thinks* To be fair, all those books have been about different players. Well played brain, but not this time.

So yes my issues was that I was never surprised. I knew it, it was the stories I knew, mixed with some fiction. Oh curse this mind of mine!

But it's still a good book. She was an interesting woman. But to be fair...I would rather have read a book about her grandmother Dangerouse. I guess to to prefer lesser known characters, and I guess that is why I try to stay clear of the well known Tudors.

But hey, if you want a book about Eleanor, then read this one :)

PS. Ok, so she is 13, married, having sx for the first time. It hurts for a sec and then it feels good...come on! Why, why? why does every freaking virgin in every freaking book always feel pleasure? Let her feel nothing. I am not gonna go into a talk about sx and orgasm from v sx *grumbles*.


Paperback, 478 pages
Published June 1st 2014 by Headline
Eleanor of Aquitane #1
Historical fiction


  1. I can definitely see how being familiar with this historical figure would take away from your involvement in the story just a touch. Knowing the history definitely takes away from the surprise!

    1. It does seem liked I need to be surprised

  2. I have read many, many books (and researched) about her, Anne, and Marie Antoinette. I need to branch away for a while bc they are starting to bore me.

    1. I hear you! Let's try someone entirely new

  3. This one's cover is gorgeous, though I'm a little concerned about your PS message. Hmm.

  4. She does sound like good character but sorry to hear it wasn't as good

  5. I'll send your "eh" on the cover.

  6. Hm... could be b/c you knew the story well. Still, glad to hear it was a good book. Oh and your PS... LOL!

    1. ;)

      And yes I do think I know too much, especially about her

  7. Yep, I totally agree with your P.S. Drives me bonkers. I can see how if the book didn't offer any surprises about Eleanor, then it would have been okay, not great.

    1. These days it just makes me feel annoyed, I can take a dose of reality now and then

  8. I've enjoyed her books but yes I like some surprises too.

    1. I guess that is the thing with historical fiction, sometimes you know too mch

  9. Mmmm...I don't think this one is for me, but I love reading your reviews.

  10. Yeah, I don't get the every-virgin-feeling-pain-then-pleasure thing. Really? EVERYONE?

  11. I loved this one and I've read lots about Eleanor but the audio was brilliant and that made it 'new' for me :)
    I listened to The Winter Crown too.

  12. Your P.S. sums up my thoughts so so many times! That just irritates me to death. I know in a romance it's supposed to be...well, romantic, but I'd rather read a well written scene with a virgin who feels some pain, and a hero who makes it up to her later!

    1. Totally!
      The problem with this is that it's not like it's even romance, why do we need to be lulled into the awww everyone who ever has sex always gets an orgasm?

  13. LOVE your comments at the end! ;) Not sure this is for me but great review!

  14. Too bad it's not as good as the others you tried by her.

  15. It's on my list so maybe I'll try the audiobook after reading Teddyree's comment.

  16. I imagine it's hard to write based on true books for just that reason, some people know all about them already. And you can't really have any surprise twists. Like Titanic, we all knew how that was going to end.

    1. True, but the good thing with the movie Titanic was even though I knew it would sink I did not know what would happen to the couple so 90% was new

  17. Reading your reviews is like being inside your head. It's funny and somehow, enlightening. :)

    1. I am glad you like them :D It's my style I guess, makes it more fun to write

  18. Great review! I have had this one on my Kindle for a while but haven't read it yet. I enjoy Chadwick, but I think I am just not that excited by Medieval England any more, so I can't really bring myself to read it.

    1. I might just be over it too. But too be fair, they were never in England in this one ;)

  19. Last year, I started this one, but couldn't finish it. :(

  20. It's kind of a curse when you know the whole story and it just plays out exactly as you knew it would with no surprises. Sorry this one didn't wow you.



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