Friday 23 June 2017

Audio Review: Highland Hellion - Mary Wine

Katherine Carew Illegitimate daughter of an English earl. Abducted to Scotland at age fourteen. No family, no reputation, no rules. Rolfe McTavish Heir to an honorable Highland laird. Can't believe how well tomboy Kate can fight. About to learn how much of a woman she really is. Scotland is seething with plots, the vengeful Gordons are spoiling for a fight, and the neighboring clans are at each other's throats. All it takes is a passionate hellion with a penchant for reckless adventure to ignite the Highlands once more. 

My thoughts:
It does work as a stand alone, but we meet players again that were on earlier books. Katherine who was saved by Marcus in book 2. Now she lives with his family and has also trained in secret dressed as a boy with the guards.

Katherine learned that she needed to be able to fend for herself and so she did. She is strong and capable. But her wild side does leave her in trouble.

The Gordons are still spoiling for trouble. Asshats as they are. From book 1 already. Grrrr. But...I can't say a lot but there is hope even for them. And she will see herself in trouble with them.

Rolf we met briefly in book 2, he was young and now is older but is still the same. And he fancies her the moment they meet. And so does she. Oh they do not stand a chance.

Brenda Grant is even mentioned, ok for newbies that will just be a brief sidestory but I was happy to see her again and that is well. And there is a mention of a new character, I am hoping to see his story, oh and Brenda's brothers story! I totally need him to find love. Yikes, after 3 books I am invested in all these characters. I want heas all around, and to see the Earl of Morton suffer. Grrrrr.

There is passion and romance. Danger and plots. Highlanders up for a fight and new friendships being made. I enjoyed it all, and I am looking forward to more.

Narration: Antony Ferguson
This is my third book with this narrator. I am used to him now and would not want anyone else. I enjoyed his voice from the start. He does male and female voices well- I like his accent even if I did not really hear Catherine's.

He has a voice that keeps my attention on the story


Audio CD, 8 h 56 min
Published June 6th 2017 by Tantor Audio
Highland Weddings #3
Historical romance
For review


  1. It's been a while since I haven't read a Highland novel!

  2. The plot does sound good and who can resist passion and romance?

  3. I used to read these type of novels all the time and this sounds good. I just have a hard time listening to books. No matter what, I always end up getting so sleepy. (lol) Happy Friday! Hugs...

  4. Oh... this one sounds really good. I haven't tried a historical or Highlander book on audio yet - does this one have good accents?

    PS> this is a great audiobook review! You can do this!

    1. Aww thank you :D I am trying! :D

      I'd say his accent was good enough :)

  5. All the love for this series has finally convinced me that I need to read it. The heroines for each book sound so awesome!

  6. Nice cover and the book sounds good as well.

  7. Ha love that title! What is it about a tartan?

  8. Just took a quick listen to the audio of this one and he certainly does a great narration. Only one there for me though at Audible so I think its one of those ones best read in order in the series by the sound of it.

    1. Yeah I mean you can still follow along but you do miss the fun of the previous ones

  9. I like it when a narrator can do men's and women's voices equally well. And accents!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Some accents get on my nerves, they are so fake

  10. Sorry Carole Wooten! Deleted it jy mistake but copied it from gmail

    Mary Wine is one of those authors that I want to read but just have had a chance yet. Glad you enjoyed this one.

    1. I have read lot of Wine and I do enjoy them all

  11. Arg. I will have to try again. I struggled hard with her pen name so put these aside. But...



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