Monday 5 June 2017

Love in Row 27 - Eithne Shortall

What happens when Cupid plays co-pilot?

Still reeling from a break-up, Cora Hendricks has given up on ever finding love. For herself, that is. To pass the time while working the Aer Lingus check-in desk at Heathrow, Cora begins to play cupid with high-flying singles.

Using only her intuition, the internet, and glamorous flight attendant accomplice Nancy, Row 27 becomes Cora's laboratory of love. Instead of being seated randomly, two unwitting passengers on each flight find themselves next to the person of their dreams - or not.

Cora swears Row 27 is just a bit of fun, but while she's busy making sparks fly at cruising altitude, the love she'd given up on for herself just might have landed right in front of her...

My thoughts:
This one was cute and had some more serious moments too. I liked how it was build too, but we will come to that soon.

Cora works at the airport and she spends way too much time researching passengers and putting one couple in row 27. Hoping they will fall in love. And as the book progresses it turns into more of an obsession. She must find love for others, but what about herself?

She does have help, I mean how else would she see if it pays off? Nancy, a stewardess, tries her best to spy on the happy, or unhappy couple ;)

What I liked is that we actually got the POVS from the couples in row 27. Sometimes it works, sometimes they are so wrong for each other. And we also get 2 frequent fliers and get to see them sit there a few times. I really wanted her to find a match for Ingrid, and as for Aiden, well yes he needed some happiness too.

The more serious aspects would be her mum getting worse and worse since she has Alzheimers and Cora disappearing into her matchmaking world.

There is friendship, humour and romance all around. Some will find love, some not. I enjoyed this tale, it was light.


Paperback, 352 pages
Published June 1st 2017 by Corvus
Romantic fiction
For review


  1. Sometimes it's great to read a romance that clicks on the right things to make it fun, that's not too heavy. Your review makes me want to check out this one. Hope your week is totally amazing! Hugs...RO

  2. This sounds exactly the kind of book I would enjoy. It sounds too cute for words! I'll have to check it out. :)

  3. This sounds like a lot of fun. Mischievous. #getsocial17

  4. It feels like all the POVs were written really well! And the plot sounds so light yet intriguing!

  5. I love the sound of this and the airport setting, I am in! Putting this on my to read list!

  6. Ohhh interesting! Different stories depending on who's sitting on Row 27? I'm down!

  7. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Love in Row 27.

  8. This one sounds so cute and so different from what I normally read. I'm so checking this one out!

    Simply Angela

  9. I love it when an author approaches serious subjects in a light handed way. This sounds good.

  10. Love the cover and it sounds like a nice read.

    For What It's Worth

  11. Light and fluffy is the best

  12. Aw this sounds really cute and like something I would enjoy. I hadn't seen this one around so thank you for putting it on my radar!
    Genesis @ Latte Nights Reviews

  13. What an odd but fun sounding premise for a book.

    1. It would make such a cute movie now when I think of it. Rom com

  14. I didn't expect it to be so light so that makes me curious. Obviously they don't work for Delta. ;)

  15. That is different from what I usually read.

  16. Thanks for stopping by during GetSocial blog hop. I'm always in awe of (as well as grateful for!) reviewers who can read so very many books. I'm not nearly as fast a reader as you!

  17. This sounds like a cute one.

  18. I love the premise and getting everyone's pov. Adding!

  19. I haven't heard of this one before but it sounds like a fun read. Glad you enjoyed it!

  20. What a cute premise for a story! I wonder if any travel booking agents or airline workers have actually done this, lol.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  21. What a great premise! Love the whimsical side of it that is balanced with the serious tones that you describe.

  22. Sounds like an original cute romance read! :)

  23. What a fun idea. How do authors think them up!

  24. This sounds really fun and definitely unique!

  25. Interesting blog! Visiting from #getsocial17

  26. Interesting concept for sure!



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