Monday 12 June 2017

The dragon's playlist - Laura Bickle

Di fled rural West Virginia to study music and pursue a bright future as a violinist. But when a mining accident nearly kills her father, she is summoned back home to support her family. Old ghosts and an old flame emerge from the past. When Di gets a job as a bookkeeper at the same mine where her father worked, she is drawn into a conflict pitting neighbor against neighbor as the mine plans an expansion to an untouched mountain.

If the mining company’s operation goes forward, there will be more at stake than livelihoods or the pollution of the land: Di has discovered a dragon lives deep within Sawtooth Mountain, and he is not happy with this encroachment upon his lair. When catastrophe strikes, Di must choose between her family’s best interests and protecting the dragon – the last surviving bit of magic in Di’s shrinking world.

In every fight, sides are chosen. And there can be no yearning for what has been left behind. 

My thoughts:
I guess I never saw things from the miner's pov. Sure they know this might not be the best work, but what else can they do? It is the only work where they live. The greenpeace like peeps protesting just do not get that.

But this was not a book about miners. This was about Di that returns to get small hometown. She does not want to. She wants to continue her studies, to be away. Alas, her dad was in an accident. And you just feel how the town is trying to drag her back kicking and screaming.

The town where her ex lives. The town where she meets a new friend. There town where she meets the people protesting the leveling of the mountain (and yes that is effed up. Destroying an entire mountain!?) The town with her over bearing mother. Her sick father....

And let us not forget the dragon. That made me think of that movie Pete's dragon. There are dragons still in the wild, not many, but there. And he was a decent dragon her at least.

It's not a long book, but it does make you think about a few things. I liked her wonder of things, I wish there was magic around too. Good and short.


Kindle Edition, 219
Expected publication: June 1st 2017 by Pronoun
Urban fantasy
For review


  1. This sounds like a cute story. I do get how miners are struggling. I think that is why the government should subsidize retraining and companies to bring in green energy to those areas. There is a wind power company here in the states that is offering free training for miners to work on the wind turbines. I love dragons and Pete's Dragon was a favorite when I was a kid. I haven't seen the new one.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. That is a really good idea! The miners were dying here from stuff but it was still the only job they had. Green energy and them working there, aye, if only someone would listen

      I have a review for Pete coming up this summer ;)

  2. I have read her YA series and really liked it. I'm a sucker for all things dragons so I'm curious about this one. Plus, if it makes you think, that's always awesome.

    1. I never read those but I am curious about them

  3. Cool. Do people know there are dragons in the world here or is it a 'how did we miss these giant creatures all this time' kind of plot?

    1. There are not many left and he is hidden in his mountain s nope, silly humans do not know

  4. Now I want to read this one. I loved Bickle's Amish vampire series but haven't read anything else by her.

    For What It's Worth

  5. This sounds like a very interesting book! I'm glad you liked it; I may have to check it out sometime. :-)
    -Amy @

  6. I am always intrigued by books set in mining towns in WV. My dad grew up in a mining town in VA so he has always told me stories of what it was like. Great review!

    1. Then this one could sure be the one for you

  7. I've always liked books with dragons in them. This sounds like a good book.

  8. Magic makes everything better lol :)

  9. I'm going to check this out. I don't see many books set in my home state.

  10. Sounds like a weird one but I am a sucker for dragons so I'm almost intrigued enough to give it a read! #getsocial17

  11. Huh...sounds interesting. I want to understand more.

  12. I like the sound of this one. Love that there are dragons in it.

  13. You know, I don't think I've read many books with dragons. This sounds like a good one! Thanks for sharing.


  14. Huh. Sounds interesting. I like the idea of a dragon buried deep under a mountain. :) And mixed in with a tale about small town life. Could be a winner.

    1. At least he is a nice dragon...well as long as no one disturbs him

  15. I've always wanted to try her books. I love the quirky title of this one, sounds like a UF that's right up my alley!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I liked her...what was it called, anyway another UF series :D SO I always wanted to try more

  16. Had you not mention the dragon, this could've been a realistic fiction.

  17. I was reading your review and was just about to scroll up to see if I had imagined the dragon in the title and cover. Then you mentioned it, sounds fun. Hope the dragon was friendly!

    1. Well as long as no one bothered him N;)

  18. Love the sound of this. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Sounds like it covers several aspects while telling a good story. Love those types. I still need to try one of her books. Loved the new Pete's Dragon even better than the old one which I loved as a kid.

  20. Intersting. Thank's for the review.

  21. The setting sound interesting. Destroying a town ? I have to read more about this one. Great review and you have me intrigued.

  22. Oh interesting. This sounds like a nice spin on things. :)

  23. It seems like a strange mix between fantasy and real world. Does the story come off as a real fiction with fantasy aspects or an Urban Fantasy?

    1. I would not say UF, more like real fic with fantasy then



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