Thursday 22 June 2017

The garden of small beginnings - Abbi Waxman

Lilian Girvan has been a single mother for three years ever since her husband died in a car accident. One mental breakdown and some random suicidal thoughts later, she s just starting to get the hang of this widow thing. She can now get her two girls to school, show up to work, and watch TV like a pro. The only problem is she s becoming overwhelmed with being underwhelmed. 

At least her textbook illustrating job has some perks like actually being called upon to draw whale genitalia. Oh, and there s that vegetable-gardening class her boss signed her up for. Apparently being the chosen illustrator for a series of boutique vegetable guides means getting your hands dirty, literally. Wallowing around in compost on a Saturday morning can  be much worse than wallowing around in pajamas and self-pity. 

After recruiting her kids and insanely supportive sister to join her, Lilian shows up at the Los Angeles Botanical Garden feeling out of her element. But what she ll soon discover with the help of a patient instructor and a quirky group of gardeners is that into every life a little sun must shine, whether you want it to or not " 

My thoughts:
It was a heartwarming book that gave me sadness, a few laughs and budding romance.

Lillian is a widow, and yes it was a dark time there at first. Now it's years later and she does cling to his memory. She really should move on. Live again. But then she is really busy with the kids, with work, she never takes a break and just breathes.

In comes the garden class. Planting and tending. Getting to know the others taking the course. Spending time with he kids  and her sister and really enjoying the class. It does bring changes around for everyone.

And hey it made me want to garden too. Yes I already have one but I do want a bigger one, maybe one day. The chapters each start with info about a vegetable or something, how to plant and tend them.  I really enjoyed that.

It was a good book. It was real, it was lovely and easy to read. Light even in it's darker times when she things about her husband.

I would have liked a garden, or a veggie at least

Kindle Edition, 368 pages
Published May 2nd 2017 by Berkley


  1. This book is on my to read list. If it makes me want to garden as well then that's a bounus :)

  2. bonus sorry for the misspelling:)

  3. This book sounds like something I'd enjoy. I'm putting it on my wishlist right now :)

  4. Yes. I want to gift this book to everyone I know :)

  5. I keep hearing good things about this book. You're right about the cover - it doesn't seem to suit the book at all.

  6. I'm excited to read this one! It sounds like such a sweet and positive story! :)

  7. I've heard this was a great book. I agree that the cover should have something to do with planting. That cover doesn't tell you anything about the book.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

  8. Oh man, this is not the book for me. I always find myself wanting the things they have in the books. Whether it's food, wine, and activity they are doing, it doesn't matter. I love plants and with how much we move, I have way too many plants. LoL The Mr. would not be thrilled if I started gardening after reading this book. HaHa!

    1. LOL!. We have a tiny garden so not enough room there for all the things I want. NBut we do have potatoes, onion, lettuce, herbs, strawberries, tomatoes ;)

  9. Thanks for the great review and I agree I would have liked to see something connected to growing on the cover.

  10. I enjoyed this one too and loved all those gardening tips we got from it.

  11. I've been reading how this is a really good book. Thanks for the review.

  12. Yeah this one needs a garden or something on the cover, maybe a big juicy tomato! :)

  13. Ooh, a character who is a text book illustrator? Fun fact: I've actually thought about being a text book illustrator, but grad programs for it are notoriously hard to get into and I decided to go into the healthcare field instead!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I would love to do what she does but I can not draw for shit ;)

  14. I thought it would be sad, but it wasnt :D

  15. I agree about the cover. I wonder what the story behind that choice is. Loved the novel.

  16. Sounds nice, but not my thing. I'm glad you enjoyed. Cover is weird.

  17. I just won this one and I'm excited to read it. Glad you enjoyed it. :)

  18. This sounds like a good mix of heartwarming and thoughtful, although that really is an odd choice for the cover.

  19. I read an excerpt of this one and it seemed like a lovely story. Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

  20. Oh goodness this sounds sad.



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