Thursday, 29 March 2018

Audio: The Darcy Monologues

“You must allow me to tell you...”
For over two hundred years, Jane Austen’s Mr. Darcy has captivated readers’ imaginations as the ultimate catch. Rich. Powerful. Noble. Handsome. And yet, as Miss Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” is established through Elizabeth Bennet’s fine eyes, how are we to know what his tortured soul is indeed thinking? How does Darcy progress from “She is tolerable: but not handsome enough to tempt me” to “I thought only of you”? 

In this romance anthology, fifteen Austen-inspired authors assemble to sketch Darcy’s character through a series of re-imaginings set in the Regency through contemporary times—from faithful narratives to the fanciful. Herein “The Darcy Monologues”, the man himself reveals his intimate thoughts, his passionate dreams, and his journey to love—all told with a previously concealed wit and enduring charm. 

Stories by: Susan Adriani * Sara Angelini * Karen M Cox * J. Marie Croft * Jan Hahn * Jenetta James * Lory Lilian * KaraLynne Mackrory * Beau North * Ruth Phillips Oakland * Natalie Richards * Sophia Rose * Melanie Stanford * Joana Starnes * Caitlin Williams 

Audiobook, 14 h
Published (first published November 7th 2017)
For review
Pride and Prejudice variation

My thoughts:
Audio short stories set in different eras :)

‘Death of a Bachelor’ by Caitlin Williams 
Darcy's thoughts the month before his wedding and after the wedding. A sweet story.

From the Ashes' by J Marie Croft
Darcy as I have not seen him before when he is trying to write THE letter to Lizzy. He was funny

If Only a Dream’ by Joana Starnes 
Oh Darcy, you are such a fool, but being a fool brings him closer to Lizzy at Rosings. So it all works out. I like these sides of him.

‘Clandestiny’ by Karalynne Mackrory
Netherfield Park, the Ball. See what things you can accomplish by talking!

‘The Beast of Pemberley’ by Melanie Stanford 
A Beauty and the beast re-telling :D Fun! Even if Lizzy could have been nicer. I mean Darcy was so sweet.

‘A Resentful Man’ Lory Lilian
I am not the biggest fan of stories which are just through another POV, but it made it up for it at the end cos he was so dang sweet

‘In Terms of Perfect Composure’ by Susan Adriani 
Here they did not get together when Bingley proposed so everything is still unsure and Darcy makes friends with the Gardiners

‘Without Affection’ by Jan Hahn
Darcy looks back at their life together and a few bumps in the road. All cos of him, men are silly.

‘Hot for Teacher’ by Sara Angelini
Present day, everyone are teachers. Darcy was even more proud than usual

“You Don’t Know Me” by Beau North
I think my least fav, as I do not really care for the modern day (fine 60s) variations, and this was not even a variation. It was just people with their names.

‘Reason to Hope’ by Jenetta James 
This "Modern" day ones sure do not follow the story. Just the names. Darcy meets Lizzy during the war. Though no war action.'

Pemberley by Stage’ by Natalie Richards 
1860s, bandits, Darcy to the rescue. Again, no story, just names. WIckham was evil as alwayas, but I did feel sorry for him too.

‘Darcy Strikes Out’ by Sophia Rose
Present day (present day just works so much better than the in betweens because here they are free. I want free or you know 1800s.)
Anyway, it takes place after "lambton" and it worked really well. Could even been its own story without the PP stuff.

‘The Ride Home’ by Ruth Phillips Oakland
This one was short and took place in a car but it was fun and Lizzy was drunk. It was amusing.

‘I, Darcy’ by Karen M Cox
I have come to realise that Lizzy really tends to be an idiot, yes I get that is the whole point with prejudiced bur Lizzy come on! Tsk.
Modern day, not anything from the story except names.

All in all fun stories! I am a classic which means I prefer it to take place around when it should take place. I like the era and how polite everyone has to be. Or not be.
But some modern ones were really fun too cos it changes thing. Oh you know, one does not have to be all proper ;)

ANd even you non pp peeps can enjoy these

Narrator Harry Frost
He did well and I forgot that I listened to a bunch of stories cos it worked so well (


  1. There are sooo many stories on this! I'm not the world's biggest Pride and Prejudice fan, but I don't dislike it. These seem like a lot of fun, though.

    Thanks for sharing!
    Do You Dog-ear?

  2. I haven't tried an audio w/ short stories in it before. Hmmm!!

    1. It was fun and different, the problem was writing reviews and remember the name of the titles ;)

  3. sounds like the stories in this flowed really well

  4. Sounds good. I'm going to see if my library has it.

  5. I couldn't get through P&P but I do want to read Sophia Rose's story in this one.

    1. I love variations cos they can differ so much so even if you do not like PP you can love these

  6. That sure is a lot of stories. It is good you enjoyed them all.

  7. I feel like we should award pins to folks for getting through all the stories. Loved your review. Thanks! :)

    Oh, and remember our discussion about rugby romances? Rosalind James' Escape to New Zealand series. Haven't read it yet. I just found it for myself and its rugby. :)

    1. Lol, it's very hard to skip in audio, and I sure did not want too.

      Ohhhhhh! Must check it out

  8. Never had any experience with Harry Frost, but it sounds like he pulled it off!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  9. Thank you for your review! Am glad you enjoyed the collection! I adored our voice actor, Harry Frost. I thought his Darcy was fantastic and equally enjoyed the supporting characters. We got lucky finding a voice who could do Regency England as well as all the other American and regional voices.

    1. THat is tricky since it sure was a range of character in different periods of time, but he sure pulled it off

  10. I have never read one where I loved them all, that would be impossible

  11. This might be a good one for me to try since I haven't read P&P yet.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  12. I suppose if I ever read and or liked Mr. Darcy...

  13. This is an amazing collection of authors who each offer a slightly different version of Mr.Darcy. If you are a fan of Pride and Prejudice you have to read The Darcy Monologues, this is a well edited collection of stories and you won't want to put this book down! The last story is the perfect ending! Well done!

    Wedding DJ Fort Worth


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