Friday, 10 October 2014

Romance Friday: A Hint of Wicked - Jennifer Haymore

Sophie, the Duchess of Calton, has finally moved on. After seven years mourning the loss of her husband, Garrett, at Waterloo, she has married his cousin and heir, Tristan. Sophie gives herself to him body and soul. . . until the day Garrett returns from the Continent, demanding his title, his lands-and his wife. 


Now Sophie must choose between her first love and her new love, knowing that no matter what, her choice will destroy one of the men she adores. Will it be Garrett, her childhood sweetheart, whose loss nearly destroyed her once already? Or will it be Tristan, beloved friend turned lover, who supported her through the last, dark years and introduced her to a passion she had never known? As her two husbands battle for her heart, Sophie finds herself immersed in a dangerous game-where the stakes are not only love . . . but life and death. 

My thoughts:
Wow, talk about dilemma! Sophie loves Tristan and is happy but...*music of doom* While they are doing it her husband rushes in. Yes her husband who has been dead for 7 years. He is her legal hubby then. But, she loves Tristan. But she also loves Gareth, her first love.

Ok so you see the dilemma. She is in love with 2 men. And it's not her fault since Gareth went missing at Waterloo. She did not even re-marry that long ago. It really tore at the heartstrings, but yes I was team Tristan. She loved, she lost and she loved again. Tristan was awesome, and deserved a hug.

Gareth, no, I did not feel it. But then he had ISSUES. And first love, well, she grew up, they were not right for each other anymore.

All in all, a great book. I had suddenly read 200 pages, the next day, same thing happened. Romance, struggle, and drama promised, plus danger.

On another note. I have read book 2 and I do want to read book 3 too. A good series.

Nothing wrong with it

Paperback, 403 pages
Published June 1st 2009 by Forever
James Family #1
Historical romance


  1. This is one of those premises that can either bomb or work really well. Sounds like this author handled it well!

    1. I liked it, well except for one thing so did, but hey I can live with that

  2. Sounds good. I'll look for this one.

  3. I love it when you are so engaged with a book and you've read 200+ pages! So need to read this one!

    1. It's so cliche to say, but they did fly by

  4. Well, color me intrigued! 3 husbands is not something I see often in HR :)

  5. Replies
    1. Oh and I did not see this! *headdesk*
      But lol, yes 2 husbands, talk about messy

  6. Oh yay! I love her books. Haven't tried this one yet but gonna :)

  7. It sounds perfect for me. I want! I want! I want!

  8. I just checked my kindle - I have this book! Sounds like I should read it :)

  9. Glad you're enjoying this series! I'm not a fan of love triangles in the least and seriously doubt I'd enjoy this too much but perhaps I should check out some of this author's other works. Wonderful review! :)

    1. It worked cos it was not really a triangle. She loved her new hubby, then her old came back

  10. With 7 years, that's quite some time. In a way especially if she'd only just remarried. Sounds a great book.

    1. It was tough, she mourned, finally loved again and Boom hubby comes back

  11. oooooooooooooooooooooooh snap. I want to know WHY it took 7 years to come back.

    1. He "died" at waterloo, the rest is history

  12. But there's a cut off head on the cover!!

    1. Lol, I know but still, no guy, so not so cliche

  13. I like the sound of this one and then I realise I have it lol ... I should read it!


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