Friday 28 August 2015

Koko Takes a Holiday - Kieran Shea

Five hundred years from now, ex-corporate mercenary Koko Martstellar is swaggering through an early retirement as a brothel owner on The Sixty Islands, a manufactured tropical resort archipelago known for its sex and simulated violence. Surrounded by slang-drooling boywhores and synthetic komodo dragons, the most challenging part of Koko’s day is deciding on her next drink. That is, until her old comrade Portia Delacompte sends a squad of security personnel to murder her. 

My thoughts:
The book takes place  in the future. The world is pretty messed up by now. And one place is sure in the front running. Sixty islands; the place where you can watch a massacre and then take part in an orgy. Brothels and killings. Aww what a wonderful resort!

Our ex mercenary heroine Koko owns one of the brothels. Life is good. But then BOOM! Her former wants her dead. But Koko can kick ass and taking her down wont be easy. She was cool. No nonsense from her.

The book is actionfilled, since people are trying to kill her after all. I liked the glimpses of this futuristic society. The action parts were good. And the light humour hidden there.

Ohh, when I think of it, then this would make a great action movie. Oh that would be so kick-ass! Well they might skip that one scene that was all ewww, no way! When you are killing you can't be delicate ;)

I enjoyed the fast ride.

kinda cool

Paperback, 335 pages
Published June 10th 2014 by Titan Books
EBK #1
For review


  1. Friday! And after I finish work this afternoon, I will be on 2 weeks of vacation!!!!!!!!!

    1. Unfair! *sniff* I want vacation..or not. August was perfect vacay time now fall is here

    2. We're having sunny days and pleasantly cool nights, which I love. :)

  2. Great to hear it was action filed and kept attention

  3. I read this one last summer! A fantastic summer beach book/popcorn book, I'm glad you gave it a shot :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I am happy :) And yes I saw you called it that :)

  4. Love the cover. And this book sounds fun.

  5. Delicate killing... hm... there is either a joke or a movie in that... :) This looks interesting. I might have to check it out. Have a great weekend!

  6. I like her. She sounds awesome

  7. I am willing to try this, Koko sounds badass

  8. Very bold cover. Haven't read too many futuristic ones.

  9. oh yes that would be fun to see it in a movie.

  10. I love the cover - very artsy, but in the best way. I think it fits the action-packed story to perfection. Unusual premise, right? Great review <3

  11. I have to admit - I freaking LOVE her hair on the front of this novel!

  12. What a bleak, scary world.

  13. weirdly cool cover, after reading the synopsis & your review it fits ;)

  14. weirdly cool cover, after reading the synopsis & your review it fits ;)



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