Tuesday 15 September 2015

Charlotte - Karen Aminadra

When Charlotte Lucas married Mr Collins, she did not love him but had at least secured her future. However, what price must she pay for that future? She once said she was not romantic, but how true is that now after almost one year of marriage? 

Mr Collins is submissive in the extreme to his patroness, and his constant simpering, fawning and deference to the overbearing and manipulative Lady Catherine de Bourgh is sure to try the patience of a saint, or at least of Charlotte. 

As Charlotte becomes part of Hunsford society, she discovers she is not the only one who has been forced to submit to the controlling and often hurtful hand of Lady Catherine.  She feels trapped and realises her need for love and affection. She is not as content as she once thought she would be. The easiest thing to do would be to maintain the peace and do as she is told. But as Charlotte witnesses the misery around her due to her inimitable neighbour, she must decide to remain as she is or to begin a chain of events that will change not only her life but also the lives of those around her in the village of Hunsford forever. 

But...after all, doesn't every girl deserve a happy ending? 

My thoughts:
So this was Charlotte's book. It takes place after Lizzy and Darcy married. And someone is maaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Lady Catherine is such an idiot.

This book then. Charlotte finds herself content, but wishing for more. So she tries her best to change her simpering fool. But he is as we all know all about Lady C. BUT, he does change, slowly over time. And to my surprise I even found myself liking him...but it did take to the end ;)

We have Charlotte trying to teach Collins some manners. We have Lady C ruling with an iron fist. And we have the good people of the village.

What I did not like was a certain situation C found herself in. I could have approved, but not after certain things that happened. It felt really strange.

But all in all, I enjoyed it.

Cover ok

Kindle Edition, Second Edition, 348 pages
Published August 3rd 2012 by Carriage Publishing
Pride & Prejudice Continues #1
Pride and Prejudice sequel


  1. I wish Charlotte a happy ending, but after all, she's the one who decided to marry Mr Collins - just the thought of it makes me shiver !

  2. Oooo interesting! I like the idea of getting Charlotte's story:)

  3. I honestly don't know where you find these books. I myself am not a JA fan at all, so I don't really see myself reading reimaginings.

  4. Who is Charlotte in the sisters again? Is she the annoying youngest? Or is that Lydia?

  5. LOL you and Sophia (delighted reader) with these.

  6. Sounds like a good retelling. Ugh about Lady Catherine.

  7. Hmm in the times when women had to marry. Glad you enjoyed Collins eventually.

  8. Oh man. Collins is such a bumbling fool. He was entertaining though, to say the least. :)

    1. To actually like him *shudders* No idea how she made me like him

  9. Oh yay! I have this one on the list to read. I was hoping it was good. I didn't realize what way the story would go and its intriguing that it involves a Mr. Collins improvement project.

    1. But when who wouldn't try to improve him if they are stuck with him ;)
      happy reading!

  10. I love how you find all of these P&P based books..glad you enjoyed it!

  11. Sounds good. It's amazing how many P&P books there are out there.

  12. Not a fan of Collins but maybe Charlotte is perfect for him? Glad you ended up liking it.

  13. Nice angle to explore... I'd like to see Collins learning those manners! :) And I'd like to see Lady C fall on her tremendous nose, at least once, lol :D

  14. awwwwe maybe this will redeem him in my eyes.
    Poor Charlotte.

  15. you are like the queen of P&P variation reads :)

  16. I'm going to have to read this one!



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